For more than fifteen years, the People 1st team has helped small to mid-size employers solve one of their toughest challenges: providing the right benefits to their workforces within their financial constraints. We pursue ways to implement health plan solutions that fit the situation, while constantly evaluating each plan’s performance and improving the employer’s return.

Our Team

Our team brings together expertise in underwriting, plan design, Third Party Administration (TPA) services, plan funding and cash flow management, analysis of plan performance, and ACA compliance. The result of our work is a fully integrated solution managed by People 1st for the benefit of employers, employees, and brokers.

Get in Touch Today

We serve employers and brokers around the United States. Get in touch with us today – we’d love to have a thoughtful discussion about your unique benefits challenges.

  • Reduce or eliminate the need for annual rate increases
  • Provide detailed information about your plan’s performance
  • Provide the tools necessary to plan for the future
  • Eliminate the need to reduce benefits
  • Provide a measurable return on investment

If not we need to talk!

It starts with a long term plan with a realization that the effects of Healthcare decisions mane now will be felt over many years so planning should be too. We provide a full service partially self funded Health plan that includes proactive services.

That better way recognizes that “you cannot manage what you cannot measure”. Meaning regular information about the performance of your plan is necessary.

Your goal is not to spend more money on Healthcare, rather to spend the money you are devoting now in a more targeted way. We know that the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of disease over time will be much less costly than insuring someone and waiting for them to have a Healthcare crisis. That is ultimately better for the plan and for the participant.

Our products start and end with you. The first step is the hardest, recognize that to chance results, you cannot do the same thing you are doing now. We look forward to working with you toward a healthier tomorrow.